Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol – Daredevil

Continuing my efforts in completing a pile of unpainted plastic, I took a stab at Daredevil. This time I completely embraced using Xpress contrast paints by pretty much using them for most of the uniform. I love the dark hue of Vallejo Xpress Velvet Red and think it pretty much gave a great look to his costume just using a single coat.

To make Daredevil’s chest symbol and baton webbing stand out more, I put down a coat of Vallejo Red. For his skin, I used a coat of Vallejo Dark Flesh.

The baton cable I put down a coat of Xpress Templar White, and painted some of the underside sections with Vallejo Basalt Grey.

For some final touches, I gave the skin on his face an Army Painter Strong Tone wash. I also mixed a 1:1 of Xpress Velvet Red and Vallejo Red to paint the underside of the baton he was holding, along with some parts of this thigh webbing. As a last touch, I dabbled in using GW contrasts, using Ratling Grime to give the tombstone and sections of the base some detail. I also went over underside sections of the baton cable with that dark contrast, to add just a little more to it.

The final result isn’t going to win any painting awards. It’s a pretty slapdash job. But oddly I think it just works for Daredevil. Despite the name, he never felt a flashy character and the muted, basic look to me fits with him being a street level hero, keeping Hell’s Kitchen safe. Good enough for the tabletop I think.