Terrain for Marvel Crisis Protocol – Atomic Laser Cut Designs

I’ve got a chunk of modern terrain for Zona Alfa and the core box for MCP has a slew of nice terrain, still I wanted to get a few options for terrain pieces. I stumbled across Atomic Laser Cut Designs looking mostly for my Zona Alfa and Country Road Z boards, but some of their modern building sets looked like they would also work for MCP. 

I picked up a small, generic, single story shop from Amazon. The kit is flat packed. It is pretty simple to assemble with well cut holes and notches that easily fit together.

The building comes with a front and side door along with protruding window frames. I think it would be very easy to use cardboard to fill in open spaces if needed. The doors have an interesting design that allows the door to be removed or shifted open. With a small amount of Blu Tack you could keep the door secure and prop it open while playing. The roof section can easily be removed and sits securely using tabbed notches in the walls.

The storefront sign is nice allowing it to be removed and clips onto the roof easily. I’m already thinking of some simple designs to print out and mount with Blu Tack to reflect different games I could use it for. Possibly make it “Joe’s Guns and Ammo” for zombie games, to “Cosmic Comics” for MCP games.

As a size scale it’s a little harder to nail down. For 28mm it certainly hits that look of a single story building. You can see it’s larger than a MCP kiosk but I feel strictly height-wise would straddle between size 3 and 4. However looking at some other official MCP size 4 buildings, and given the overall footprint on the table, size 4 seems appropriate.

My complaints for this kit would be that the walls are pretty sparse on details. Also the roof fits great but the notches might be too glaring. You’d have to incorporate some paint scheme to work with the roof. Note there are other building sets in their modern terrain line that have more detail like distressed walls. In general the kits are for the Walking Dead miniature wargame and seem to match that setting and scale well. However, I wouldn’t get too wrapped up in their product line names. The “mean streets” sets have nice looking brick buildings and the 3 story one looks particularly good. It seems quite high and doesn’t appear to take up that much table space for a size 5 terrain piece.