Card Hand Holders for Solo Board Gaming

Skimming through the interwebs I’ve seen some folks excited to dive deeply into the Arkham Horror LCG and Marvel Champions. I enjoy them immensely and a common trait for both is to helm different investigators/heroes while playing. Especially for Arkham Horror, you can try to tackle scenarios true solo with a single investigator, but that can be a tall order for deck construction. It’s easier to have another “player” at the table to help with stretching limited actions out during the investigator’s phase. So commonly I’ll play these games two-fisted, playing two separate hands simultaneously.

But keeping track of cards in play and sort out which ones are in which player’s hand can be difficult. That’s why I use playing card hand holders. There are a lot of options out there from plastic to wooden ones. But do look thoroughly at products before you buy, especially if you use card sleeves. Plastic ones commonly are a tight fit and might pinch sleeved cards more than you’d like. I got a simple set of wooden ones and the slot size for holding cards is quite ample.

It makes playing so much easier having these at the table. I can keep things more organized allowing me to have more visual cues which cards belong to which hand. Also it allows me to look at what the other “player” is holding on my turns. This is especially nice for games like Marvel Champions where you have quite a bit of cards and abilities that are useful to play on other people’s turns.

So if you dabble in solo board gaming, do consider picking up some card hand holders. They are a nice addition to contribute to a more enjoyable play experience.