Toy Truck Terrain for Marvel Crisis Protocol

Walking around my local Target I saw some toy trucks that grabbed my eye. Battat Toys has the Driven Micro Fleet line that seemed the perfect scale for MCP. I snagged a box for about $20 USD and eagerly took it home to figure out how well they’d match up with my minis. I was happy to say they look pretty good.

There seems to be a few choices with one set being a road roller, truck, and platform crane. While another had a tow truck (with car), dump truck, and forklift truck. I wanted something to fit for some construction terrain I was working on, so I picked up a box with a dump truck, backhoe loader, and crane.

I took a few pics with a MCP car to give a comparative scale. Overall I think they look good with the truck and crane about size 4. The backhoe loader was maybe closer to size 3. Unfortunately the truck trailer section is open. I might think about having a removable debris pile so minis can properly plop on top of it.

The trucks have moveable parts which I’m going to have to glue together and/or shut. I’ll likely have to give it a good matte coat of varnish before trying to paint them too. Not going to try and give them a complete new coat of paint, but rather work on weathering up the trucks to make them look a little better on the tabletop. Regardless for 3 trucks a set and a steal of a price, a good purchase if wanting some options for beefy vehicles to add to your MCP terrain.