Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol – Ms Marvel

Continuing my painting efforts to finish an Avengers roster, I veered towards doing fun stuff and worked on Ms Marvel. I love the character and for any comic nerds, highly recommend checking the title out. If you want a lighter superhero book that’s just fun, Ms Marvel has got it in spades.

As I’ve mentioned before working with contrasts, I’ve leaned heavily into the Slapchop method. For Vallejo Xpress contrasts I’ve found you can get away with just a white drybrush over gray primer.

I stuck with Vallejo paints all throughout. For her uniform tunic I went with Xpress Mystic Blue and her sleeves, leggings, and scarf Xpress Velvet red. Especially for the Velvet Red, I just love the deep tones you get as shading right from the pot.

I highlighted her uniform with 1:1 with Vallejo’s Xpress Mystic Blue/Ultra Marine, and a 1:1 Xpress Velvet Red/Carmine Red. The uniform piping and lightning bolt I gave a base coat of Desert Yellow and then a coat of Transparent Yellow to brighten it up some.

For her skin, I put down a base of Beige Brown. I used Gold for her bracelet. It’s a little bright but figured once I got a wash down, it would darken niceley.

After the base skin parts were painted I then gave her a sepia ink wash, including her bracelet. As final skin highlights, I used Orange Brown. For her hair I used Smoke and highlighted it with Beige Brown.

The last bits were for the base. Just some copious drybrushing for the concrete barrier and curb. I gave the manhole cover a quick cover of contrast paint and called it done. Gonna be fun to see her on the tabletop.